Welsh ‘pharoahs’, book claims

The Welsh are descended from Egyptian Pharoahs, research in a new book has claimed.

People from Wales have an “ancient genetic marker” from north Africa, according to Lorraine Evans’s book ‘Kingdom of the Ark’.

There are similarities in the languages of Egyptian descendents the Berbers and the ancient British races of Wales and Ireland, the author claims.

Egyptian artefacts found in Mold reinforce the ancient link between the two regions, according to Ms Evans.

Ms Evans – a London-based lecturer with her own Welsh heritage – said research by Cardiff University into blood group genetics proved her argument.

“Egyptologists have remarked on the similarities between the Welsh language and ancient Egyptian,” she said.

“For example, ‘mat’ in [ancient] Welsh and ‘maat’ in Egyptian both mean ‘truth’.

“And the ancient word ‘tawy’ is translated as ‘land’ in both languages.”

The race established a colony in the British Isles 3,500 years ago, the book states.

Ms Evans said scholars think the sister of Tutankhamun moved to Ireland and that a wooden boat unearthed in Yorkshire was identical to one discovered at the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

“The simple fact that many peoples of Britain are going about their daily business unaware of their Egyptian heritage is astounding in itself,” Ms. Jones said.

But an Egyptian antiquities expert from the British Museum rubbished the claims.

Dr John Taylor told BBC News Online: “There is absolutely no foundation for such an idea in the Egyptian sources”.

He said the comparison of Welsh and Egyptian words was inadequate: “You would need to have a very, very great deal more evidence to base a theory of this kind upon.

“I would expect so see some very major linguistic elements.

“If an Egyptian princess had founded a society in Britain, where is the linguistic evidence?”

Dr Taylor added that the “Egyptian” artefacts which the book said were found in Wales were not necessarily brought by Egyptians.