Wednesday ‘best’ for e-mail marketing

E-mail marketing campaigns sent out on a Wednesday are more successful than those sent on other days of the week, according to newly published data.

Statistics from e-marketing enabler Emailcenter UK shows most British electronic marketers (almost 25%) deliver e-mails on Thursdays.

But, despite the majority view, more recipients opened the messages on a Wednesday, while click-through rates were also higher than at any other time in the week.

“The theory behind this is perhaps people have more time on a Wednesday,” according to a post on the Emailcenter UK blog.

“Less people are on holiday and away from their work email, while consumers are presumably not enjoying a night out on a work day.”

The research methodology was not disclosed. The company claims over 300 corporate clients including Andrew and P&O.

It said the findings were “surprising”. The data also showed more clicks are made from emails on a Friday.