Channel 4’s Dispatches programme has launched a public moblog in an unique investigation into the state of British refuse collection.
The documentary series is researching reductions in rubbish collections around the country as some 150 councils plan to cut back to a fortnightly service.
Amid claims that rubbish is left rotting in streets, ridden with vermin, Dispatches’ Binwatch moblog, launched on Friday, is inviting citizens to send camera phone images of their own bins.
“The new bin collection rules have caused a real stir amongst the general public,” said Channel 4 online news producer Oliver Doward.
“With the Dispatches investigation into British bins coming up at the end of May, we wanted to give people an online space to send us pictures and stories of their local refuse – good and bad.”
While viewer participation in television, radio and other story processes is commonplace nowadays, many programme editors filter submissions before they are redistributed.
Binwatch, however, allows contributors to post images without censor and to see each other’s submissions as they are added. Content from the site is expected to be included in the investigation to be broadcast on Channel 4 on May 24 at 9pm.
Broadcaster Channel 4 has previously licensed technology from moblogUK, the moblog host which also works with bands, movie distributors and which published the first iconic eyewitness images from users at the scene of London’s 7/7 bombings.
“In terms of ‘citizen journalism’ I think the one clear difference here is that Channel 4 Dispatches is embracing the instant nature of mobile blogging, allowing live moderation to take the place of editorial control,” moblogUK founder Alfie Dennen told Journalism.co.uk.
“I think this is certainly one step closer to a truly open platform for public discourse around a subject of national importance, and mobile blogging is a perfect solution for this type of open conversation with the public.”