Advertisements started appearing overnight on BBC web properties when viewed from outside the UK, and the corporation has made three hires for the site that will be the new business model’s primary driver. Kym Niblock joins as MD after leaving her post as BSkyB (NYSE: BSY) head of broadcast operations (formerly Nickelodeon International VP), Tom Bowman becomes VP international ad sales after quitting as MSN International’s regional sales director, while Phu Truong leaves Dow Jones’ (NYSE: DJ) Wall Street Journal Digital to become director of digital sales (via emailed release).
So far,, approved by the BBC Trust last month, merely redirects to Inventory on the homepage was bought out by Airbus, according to the first grab from former producer Martin Belam in Greece, who asks: “What did it do to deserve this?” Alf Hermida, a former BBC News online technology editor now in Canada, found just one, half-skyscraper ad for a wristwatch at BBC News in this second grab – but found ads are coming in 728