Two months after leaving the Informa helm, new Emap (LSE: EMA) CEO David Gilbertson is restructuring the B2B company following its acquisition by GMG/Apax in December. The former Emap Communications (the consumer magazines and radio units were sold separately to Bauer) now has four new divisions…
— Magazines: Emap Inform, led by Emap Business International MD Simon Middleboe
— Data: Emap Insight, led by fashion site WGSN’s CEO Neil Bradford and Rupert Keane
— Exhibitions & Festivals: Emap Connect, led by Malcolm Gough.
— Conferences: Emap Networks, led by Claire Jenkinson.
It seems Emap has resisted merging some of its operations with Apax’s other B2B venture, Incisive. Though there’s no specific division for it, there’s also the obligatory mention that each unit “will have a strong focus on developing its digital strategy” Gilbertson said: “Each division will develop its own digital growth strategy.” So you’d better hope it all joins up (B2B media rival UBM makes much of integrating its conferences and web brands, for example). There will also be a new chief marketing officer.