BBC Trying Again On Local News Video Syndication, Canvas Consultation Opens This Week

The BBC still wants to give its regional news footage to local newspaper websites, despite its BBC Local proposal being rejected, and could also start linking from its own videos to those produced by rival news sites.

BBC management’s response to the BBC Trust’s rejection of the £68 million plan, published this morning, shows the broadcaster’s “emerging thinking” as it tries to satisfy the trust’s demand that it concentrate on existing services rather than add more local online video. As well as more regional politics, sport and radio and TV opt-outs, bosses reiterate their desire for online partnerships…

— Having last month offered to provide raw regional news footage to struggling ITV franchises, the BBC now adds “the proposals could also have potential to benefit organisations and institutions beyond PSBs, such as other providers of regional and local news” – ie. newspapers. “There could also be opportunities for co-location among smaller newsgathering bureaux.” The intention to syndicate is unchanged from the original proposal, though would not involve new online video production.

— The BBC says this would “reduce the barriers to entry for local newspapers