Stephen Fry Tells It Like It Is On Online Piracy

If digital execs listen to Morgan Stanley’s 15-year-old intern for a teen’s take on consumer media, maybe they’ll look to Stephen Fry for what grown-ups think… ?

Polymath Fry – apparently because he’s smart, media-literate and direct – is doing a nice line in tech punditry. The author/actor’s latest comments – an admission (*shock!*) that he has downloaded a TV show via Bit Torrent – are garnering as many column inches as Monday’s “teens hate Twitter” hoo-hah…

At Apple’s own iTunes Festival in London, Fry used a lecture to call his favourite computer maker the “big tobacco” of online music, and compared the guilty pleasure of illegal downloading to masturbation, says.

Fry: “The last thing I illegally downloaded – was it a gay sex romp? … It was the season finale of House.” He had already downloaded the whole series legally but needed to download the final episode of the show, which stars former comedy partner Hugh Laurie, while traveling in Indonesia, Fry said. Later, via Twitter: “Hope I’m not misunderstood. Such a pity if I get misrepresented as a ‘help yourself and be a pirate’ advocate …”

Still, who needs 15-year-olds? We think Fry’s knack for telling it like it is is getting better and better…