iVillage’s general manager Rebecca Miskin will relocate from New York to London this May after completing relaunches on the network.
Miskin was upped from UK to GM to also run the U.S. site back in 2008. It meant a secondment in NYC that led to a September revamp and to relaunches of individual sections. On her return, she will be starting UK site updates.
“It’s been a fantastic time in the U.S.,” Miskin told paidContent:UK. “I was asked to go out there to spearhead the relaunches as general manager. They’d seen what we had done in the UK and wanted to take some of that to the US. I will have competed most of those by the end of next month – pregnancy and parenting are yet to launch, we launched health last week.”
The U.S. reboot will trickle down to the UK site. “The plan in the UK will be different from the U.S.,” Miskin says. “We’ve been doing a lot of research over the last six months and making sure we understand womens routines and what unmet needs there are in the UK.
Miskin claims three million iVillage UK February users (comScore). There are no other changes in iVillage, Miskin said – Jodi Khan remains EVP, Angela Matusik chief content exeutive and the site is run as part of Lauren Zalaznick’s Women@NBCU unit in NBC Universal.