FT Planning Off-Shoot Digital Finance News Site

Something’s brewing at fttilt.com. Over the weekend, Pearson (NYSE: PSO) folk tweeted the URL to invite applications for what will be a new offshoot of the main FT.com site.

According to the site:-

“FT Tilt is a new online service from the Financial Times, launching later this year.

“It is led by the same team that developed FT Alphaville, the multi-award winning financial blog, and promises a similar blend of lively news and analysis for a specialist audience of finance professionals.

“This is a start-up venture under the FT’s umbrella. As such it offers frontline experience in developing a new digital media service from scratch.”

When contacted, the FT wouldn’t add more detail beyond: “It’s a separate proposition outside FT.com. We’ll probably have something to say at the end of the year.”

Alphaville is a section of FT.com updated through the day with a blog, live markets discussion and a comment area for finance professionals. It’s currently outside the site’s paid access model.

We await with interest.