Indie Online Producers Press For More BBC Commissions

Independent multimedia producers want the BBC Trust to force BBC executives to commission more content from outside the corporation.

Earlier this month, the trust finished a consultation it performed during a review of a quota, implemented in 2007, which compels the BBC to take 25 percent of its online work to commercial suppliers.

But, in its submission, Pact, the body representing those suppliers, says…

— The proportion has fallen from 31 percent to 26 percent in the last two years…

— That’s £19 million in commissions, out of an eligible £74 million, within BBC online’s £130 million base budget.

— Just over half of the external spend went on content, the rest having gone on technology services.

— “The heart of the problem appears to be a failure in coordination between BBC Vision and FM&T” (the Future Media & Technology division).

— Pact is backing a recent Analysys Mason report which said introducing a 25 percent Window of Creative Competition on top of the 25 percent quota would mean up to a further £30 million in independent online commissions.

The BBC Trust is due to report conclusions of its review this autumn.