Industry Moves: GooTube Asia, Mecom, MMA, Marin Software

Google (NSDQ: GOOG) Asia: Having allocated serious investment toward TV and content, Google has hired another regional executive – Ajay Vidyasagar, former COO of India’s Sun TV, becomes regional director of video solutions for Asia-Pacific, reporting to Google’s local media MD Shailesh Rao, C21 reports.

Google recently hired ITV’s Ben McOwen-Wilson as UK content partnerships head, Alexander Goethel joined from ProSiebenSat.1 (FRA: PSM) to run film across the EMEA region and Jeff Nathenson is in charge of sport.

Mecom: Former Disney (NYSE: DIS) executive Tom Toumazis, currently chief creative officer and Big Brother creator Endemol, is in line for the CEO job at European newspaper publisher Mecom, following the exit of David Montgomery, The Telegraph reports.

MMA: New appointments to the Mobile Marketing Association’s global board executive committee: Melis Ertem, head of Turkcell’s Product & Service Management; Media & Entertainment & Carrier Services Division is the new global chair and will stay in the role until mid-2012. Other new members of the board include Paul Palmieri, Millennial Media; Cameron Clayton, The Weather Channel; and Barney Loehnis, OgilvyOne Worldwide. Federico Pisani Massamormile, Hanzo, will stay on as chair emeritus.

Marin Software: New European appointments for the third-party search platform provider. Nick Allen is the new sales director, joining from iCrossing. Ali Sezgin is a new account director, coming from eSearchVision; and Joe Southin, who had been head of EU Search Engine Marketing at AOL (NYSE: AOL), will now lead Marin’s analytics offering in Europe.