Mobile Data Worth £459 Million To UK Telcos

From Ofcom’s Telecommunications Market Data Update Q1 2011: “The total number of UK mobile connections fell by 39,000 to 81.1 million in Q1 2011.” But the amount of money carriers make from mobile data services has grown by nearly 16 percent in the last year…

Created with Highcharts 3.0.7UK Mobile Operators’ Revenue634631654664635397427466441459SMSandMMSDataservices10Q110Q210Q310Q411Q1300400500600700

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  • Mobile voice and data services generated an estimated 3.5bn in revenues in Q1 2011, 15m (0.4%) less than in 2010 Q1.
  • For the second successive quarter mobile-originated call volumes (31.0 billion minutes) were higher than fixed-originated call volumes, with mobile accounting for 50.1% of outgoing call volumes.
  • The total number of SMS and MMS messages sent in Q1 2011 was 36.9 billion, 22.7% higher than in Q1 2010.
  • Pre-pay connections fell by 486,000 as consumers continue to migrate to pay-monthly contracts (up by 447,000). Of the 81.1 million total connections, 5.0 million (6.1%) were mobile broadband datacards or dongles.