BBC Online costs a whopping 60 pence per month

The BBC spent £186.8 million ($292.4 million) on its websites in 2011/12, according to its annual review – almost four percent less than the previous year (£193.9 million).

That means five percent of the £145.50 paid by holders of the UK’s annual TV Licence fee went to BBC Online, equating to 60 pence (94 U.S. cents) per licence holder per month…

£115.3 million of the cost was spent on online content, £18.7 million on online distribution and £52.8 million on online infrastructure and support.

In 2010, the BBC executive vowed to shave 25 from the BBC Online budget by 2013.

Audience appreciation for the websites fell slightly over the year after several website relaunches but remains high…