Earlier this month, we reported how ebook reader sales were set to sink in 2012 — and plummet in future years. We also know compact camera sales are declining.
Now there is also a gloomy outlook for portable audio players, with consumer retail research outfit Mintel (via Telegraph) seeing MP3 players shedding 22 percent in 2012 UK sales revenue.
The common thread — consumers are now replacing these dedicated single-function devices with multi-function smartphones or tablets at an accelerating rate.
What once was, itself, a mono-functional device for making calls has become a Swiss Army knife for communication, entertainment and more. In fact, as Telegraph Media Group executive editor Edward Roussel comments:
Mobile phones: The term is anachronistic. They are the “remote controls” of our lives. http://t.co/MSB5Ybw7 via @WSJ
— edwardroussel (@edwardroussel) December 27, 2012
Mintel forecasts MP3 player sales halving again to £177 million by 2017. But it also sees a “worst-case” scenario of their revenue diminishing to just £25 million — that is £356 million less than Mintel’s 2012 sales estimate.
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If it’s any consolation, this pace of decline — at least, for now — is less than that predicted by IHS iSuppli for ereaders.
A quarter of consumers polled by Mintel said they will buy a smartphone instead of a portable media player in future.
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Ofcom’s recent annual International Communications Market Research report shows how smartphones are the handheld devices most commonly used to access the internet…
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