MIAMI — It is the “new oil” that is fuelling value creation in businesses across the world, and now the TV ad sales business is really getting its motor running on data.
Advertisers’ own primary data, off-the-shelf datasets and more… a new world of viewer information has opened up to make TV ad targeting to over-the-top devices more powerful than ever before.
In many ways, this is a game that is just getting started. So what do the next five years hold for the application of data in TV ad buying? A recorded panel convened at the Beet Retreat discussed that topic. Here are some snapshots of what they said…
Turner ad innovation SVP Daniel Aversano:
“Using more and different data sets is important. That’s a little scary. When we talk to advertisers and agencies, and we use lots of different datasets in our targeting products today, no-one ever asks, “Is the data right? Is it representative?’ So, I do think that there’s going to be somewhat of a Renaissance period, where we come back to some of the core tenants of data quality.”
Nielsen SVP Kelly Abcarian:
“If you don’t validate it, you don’t ask the right questions about it, you don’t understand what it does and doesn’t represent, because there’s no such thing as true census. I think, digital kind of went down this really fast path of driving the Ferrari straight down the autobahn before they even drove it down the New York streets. And now they’re … figuring out, how do we build that confidence back?”
Sinclair Digital Group COO Robert Weisbord:
“We just hired our first data scientist, so I won that battle. The next will be a behavior scientist, but when you are dealing with linear people as the majority, you got to push a thousand pound barrel up the hill. We’re trying to blend this so called digital thought processing to the linear world, and I think it’s important that it’s not one or the other but amalgamates in to the new world.”
Cross MediaWorks CEO Nick Troiano:
“My belief is, in three or four or five years, devices won’t matter. Content will matter, data and audience will matter. If I’m a TV person from a company that is running a TV company, I’m basically saying that my business has to transform in the next three to five years. (We are) expanding and automating adjustable television. It’s shifting like 200 advertisers, that I currently do today on ad vision GRPs, to addressable.”
The interview was conducted by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Swartz.
This video was produced at the Beet Retreat Miami, 2017 presented by Videology along with Alphonso and 605. For more videos from the event, please visit this page.