Broadband Content Bits: Video Metrix, Irish Movies, Virgin Debt, BBC/Siemens

Video metrics: Two years after it launched in the US, comScore (NSDQ: SCOR) is bringing its Video Metrix web video tracking rankings to the UK, France, Germany and Canada. It’s a play to try and make the business of measuring and monitoring online video consumption its own. This as the Broadband Measurement Working Group bashes broadcaster heads on the issue. See our recent panel event video on this topic.

Irish movies: Irish online DVD rental service is getting in to online movie rentals. Films downloaded to PC via Moviestar Digital will expire after a month. It claims Network Television Ireland, The History Channel and The Biography channel amongst its repertoire and says it’s talking to major studios. Via ENN.

Virgin debt: Virgin Media (NSDQ: VMED) announced it is selling $1 billion in bonds to pay off some of its $5.6 billion debt. It will use the proceeds to pay off £504 million from two of its loans. The share price is scraping the bottom.

BBC/Siemens: reports the BBC has contracted Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS) to design, implement and support a new content delivery platform. This could be the new infrastructure the broadcaster has said will be rolled out to support efficient multiplatform digital delivery. Ovum estimated the cost will be £80.2 million but there’s absolutely no confirmation of that.