— Virgin Radio: Virgin Radio, soon to be renamed after SMG sold it to Times of India group’s Absolute Radio, is losing its digital media director Andy Gumbridge as part of a top-level restructure, MediaWeek says, as the radio industry copes with precipitous decline. Instead, the Gumbridge’s digital department is being merged with the marketing department (also losing its director David Lloyd), with the new unit headed by a new brand director. Gumbridge joined a year ago after a spell as Channel 4 new media manager.
— Virgin Media: The unrelated TV, ISP and telco operator, meanwhile, has appointed three new non-exec directors to its board – James A. Chiddix (a board member at STB maker OpenTV), Andrew Cole (a marketing chief with handset insurer Asurion) and Steven J. Simmons (CEO of Simmons/Patriot Media & Communications). Release.