HTC income rose by more than a fifth from last year during the quarter in which it unveiled the first Android-powered smartphone. Net income in the three months to December was down 1.8 percent to 9.810 billion Taiwan dollars ($296.6 million) on 21.45 percent better total revenue of 47.3 billion Taiwan dollars ($1.4 billion), after HTC unveiled the G1 in America on October 22 (release). Though sales for the month of November were boosted by 10.76 percent, they slumped back down again by 23.55 percent in December – a historic pattern.
It’s not clear that the rise is due to the G1 alone (after all, it’s best known for making Windows Mobile handsets) but, if the Android phone can help the bottom line to that degree, imagine what an enhanced G2 and G3, with acceptable battery life and more pleasing hardware styling, could do for the company. HTC in December said G1 sales exceeded its earlier expectations of one million units, though it wasn’t clear by how much.
Photo Credit: whiteafrican