Latest online growth and print decline have cancelled each other out at UBM, leaving the business publisher’s combined marketing category revenue unchanged from last year.
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(function( $ ) { $(function() { var options_723570 = go_datamodule_723570;
options_723570.series = [{ name: 'Events', connectNulls: true, data: [220, 278.5] }, { name: 'Targeting,DistributionandMonitoring', connectNulls: true, data: [134, 139.7] }, { name: 'Dataservices', connectNulls: true, data: [139, 138.3] }, { name: 'Online(marketing)', connectNulls: true, data: [46.9, 63.5] }, { name: 'Print(magazines)', connectNulls: true, data: [103.9, 86.2] }]; options_723570.tooltip = { formatter: function() { var series_name = ''; var x_name = this.x;
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return series_name + x_name + ': ' + go_datamodule.add_commas(this.y) + ''; } };
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Group profit for the nine months to September 30 rose 16.4 percent to £127.5 ($200.96) million on 9.8 percent higher revenue of £706.2 ($1113.11) million.
CEO David Levin says: “Given the growing concerns over the global economic environment, we continue to be vigilant for signs of an economic slowdown but to date we have seen no material impact across UBM.
“Moreover, given that Events now comprise a significantly larger part of our business, that 22% of our revenues are generated in Emerging Markets and that we have substantially lower exposure to print, we believe UBM is a stronger, more resilient business than in previous years.”